Amazing things that happen during Christmas & you only  realized when you don't spent it at home.

Thousands of mile away from home and you fell like hell at the moment when you think of what will be going on at the moment back home. Lucky are those who can easily bear and overcome those teary moments but to those like me who cannot spent Christmas at home .
 I have for you here something which you can closely related to if you are not in the stand to spent Christmas with dear ones.

  1. The Christmas shopping.

You miss the Christmas shopping . alright, you are not alone. forget where you are from, This is my town, Churachandpur/ suongpi/ Churachandpur or whatever..
you can see the Lamka town full of people from each corner of the town for shopping.
Christmas shopping the one which is totally different from an ordinary one. The feeling being like in a market in china comes, with the mob of customers and busy shopkeepers, to be honest the proudest moment of the shopkeeper is this time. and i recall the day before christmas on the eve of christmas with my sister  i got caught on the camera and to my mose surprising i saw myself on the news that evening. :) :)
and finally  without shopping on the eve of Christmas, you feel like your wardrobe is empty although there is no place to keep the one you bought before.

24th December, busy shopping 

and the road becomes smaller than before
no place to park

2. The Christmas feast. ( vohsa, bongsa)

Oh no!! Did you just said that..
Hell ya...
i am not a big fan of meat(sa ) but you know when it comes to Christmas, this is one of the things that make our Christmas more of festive. unlike ordinary feast, The calls for mebel( vessels you used to keep your subji) and getting ready with the best of what you have ( for girls member ) in the family. Metam ( BOIL vegetable), Jonglha malchame, add to it. ( ooucchh MOUTH wathered.. )
Aunts  with her mebel

Christmas Feast at M.songgel

The mebels

Christmas Feast AT Public Ground
Vohsa With ankam

Mustard( looks delicous even like this)

The King of Malchame

HHMMM.. Metam ( Boil Mustard)

3. The Christmas gathering .

10:00 rings the Christmas bell. all well-dressed . selecting the best clothes in the wardrobe. not only you got to be designing the whole family and for less time you are the costume designer of the family.
The Church BELL
Church service @M.songgel


Almost ready

Fully Dressed Up

4. The singspiration ( lenkhom)

After the church program is the lenkhom. where you sing, sing , sing and sing. That's all what you do. And that add to this excitement is the Lamkool, A traditional Dance style which you have to keep your hand winding around the fist and a few continuous steps on the feet.

oh.. i badly miss it..

Lenkhom at M>SONGGEL ECA church

5. Meeting friends from who stay a way from home

The joy of meeting friends whom you met long time back. some people whom you haven't see since childhood and the chance of getting to meet them is also big get together.

6. Family get-together

all family who stay far behind come home for Christmas.
The meiphu time is the best time. while watching TV you tell them a story of the movies which i Have to translate to them with my little knowledge of Hindi..

staying away from home where you have limited people from your community stay. Like the place i stay, the rural campus of TISS , And more of the NIT's you will probably face the same problems, but all problems do comes with a solution ( as the saying goes ) I don't exactly knows the best-nest of it . Hope some one will.
Missing home is not something new for me. 
what to do is keep yourself busy during this day like doing something which i did right now, typing and more works like keeping yourself busy with the celebration, that will help lot. 

PICTURE CREDITS: Phualvatimes, Google, M>Songgel Fb group, Biaki Kitchen


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